Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

[Media_Nusantara] Re: [GELORA45] Moral Pengguna Jalan makin Buruk


BILA TIDAK ADA DISPILIN DAN TIDAK HADIRNYA  RASA TANGGUNG JAWAB ....maka akibat yang timbul adalah CHAOS ( Amburadukl >Buas tanpa Aturan)  ..........dan SUASANA  CHAOS YANG BERKELANJUTAN  akan langsung menciptakan ANARCHISME
( Semaunya > Seenaknya ,  Elu- elu > gue-gue , Masa bodoh  Peraturan > Tak peduli Hukum , Siap yang berani > dia yang menang , Lu ketabrak > Peduli amat ... Bukan salah gue , Lu mo Apa... ? > Gue bisa bakin Apa saja - Itu urusan Gue......, Lu tahu SIAPA GUE ...? ......dan DIMANAN NYAWA dan MARTABAT MANUSIA  TIDAK ADA PULA HARGANYA  .............>> dsb ,dsb...) 

Jika dikatakan bhw  AFRIKA ITU BUAS  ....... Entah apa yang kita bisa bilang tentang kEHIDUPAN DI  JAKARTA dan INDONESIA..........? Mungkin dalam beberapa Hal lebbih baik dari Afrika... 

2014-08-30 12:04 GMT+02:00 'Sunny' [GELORA45] <>:

res : Moral penguna jalan makin buruk, berarti angka kecelakaan di jalan makin meningkat jumlahnya. lihat ini : dan

Moral Pengguna Jalan makin Buruk

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014 by: Sukamto, Jakarta
BEBERAPA waktu lalu, saya harus melalui Jalan Raya Kalimalang di saat jam kantor untuk suatu keperluan di wilayah Bekasi.

Alangkah kagetnya saya melihat gelombang peseda motor ke arah Jakarta
yang merebut jalur yang saya lalui untuk menuju Bekasi. Apalagi jika ada angkot atau kendaraan yang berhenti.

Mereka tanpa khawatir celaka langsung merebut jalan supaya bisa lewat. Akhirnya terpaksa saya harus sering menepikan kendaraan.

Merebut jalur berlawanan sepertinya telah menggejala di hampir semua wilayah Jakarta.Pelakunya bukan hanya pengendara sepeda motor, melainkan juga pengendara
mobil. Gejala itu menurut saya sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan.

Pihak-pihak berwenang semestinya responsif dengan sering memberikan sosialisasi berken dara yang benar dan aman supaya mereka tidak membahayakan diri sendiri atau orang lain. Kita juga sebagai pengendara harus menjaga mental kita untuk menghargai pengguna jalan lain.Sukamto Jakarta Pelakunya bukan hanya pengendara sepeda motor, melainkan juga pengendara
mobil. Gejala itu menurut saya sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan.


Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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[Media_Nusantara] Re: [GELORA45] FW: [chinese-indonesian-discussion-group] Fwd: Fw: Mount Everest:



Terima kasih untuk LINK nya dan 3D Videonya yang  Sangat Dramatis .
Tak bisa saya bayangkan bagaimana beratnya persyaratandan atau Persiapan  Fysik dan Psychis yang harus dipunyai dan disiapkan bagi setiap Manusia yang akan menempuh rout Pendakia Mount Everest. 
Kiranya hanya sagerntil Manusia2 Pendaki Gunung Mount Everest di bumi ini yang mempunyai SIKON ALAMI  seperti THE SHERPA FAMILY ... yang tingal dan hidup disekitar Leren2 Pegungan Mount Everest.

Mungkin " Penduduk Kota Jakarta  dng Polusi Udaranya yang begitu Kotor "  bisa melakukan Trainning setiap hari mendaki lereng2 GPegunungan Mount Everest UNTUK MEMBERSIHKAN PARU2 dan JANTUNGNYA YANG SUDAH BEGITU HITAM oleh Limbah Motor, Bajad dan segala jenis Kendaran " yang tidak pernah dilengkapi dan atau Tidak pernah kenal dng Apa itu KATALISATOR SYSTEM pada Kendaraannya "  ....Tetapi ditambah dan atau masih dilengkapi lagi dng paling sedikit  2 Bungkus  ROKOK setiap Harinya yang selalu HADIR dibibirnya  ....SIANG DAN MALAM, dan bahkan sebelum makan dan  tidur  ............dan dimana mana ( Dirumah, diKantor di Rumah Sakit , bahkan Dipompa Bensin, dimuka Anak2 dan bahkan dimuka Bajinya , dimuka Wanita Hamil , dimuka Orang Sakit, Di Biokop, di Station , di Kpala terbang , di Perahu dan Kapal laut , didalam Kereta,  di Mobil, 
didalam Bajay yang sempit itu , Didalam LIFT , di Airport , Di kantor Polisi dan kemungkinanpun di Pusat
"Pemadam Kebakaran" ....... dan bahkan sampai di KUBURAN ................... 

Mang Koko , The Everest Explorer.....whaaaaaaaahaa

On 30 August 2014 06:27, 'Kiong Hoo Djie' [GELORA45] <> wrote:



Subject:   Mount Everest:







This is amazing . . .
 it's almost like being there and there's a 360 degree view from the top!


Click on the link:









Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

[Media_Nusantara] Re: [temu_eropa] ISIS adopsi metode penyiksaan ala CIA


....dan Pepatah yang negatakan " SENJATA MAKAN TUAN " PUN kini ternyata memenuhi fungsinya .........  

Note ; 
Oleh karena itu Mengajarkan sesuatu yang buruk kepada orang lain adalah suatu hal yang sangat Tidak baik dan beriziko besar , karena suatu saat Ia akan berbalik bagaikan BUMERANG kepada sang Guru atau Pengajarnya  .... bagaikan HUKUM KARMA.................. 

 We will have nothing to lose if  we HIt  properly the Target...... 

2014-08-29 16:03 GMT+02:00 Awind [temu_eropa] <>:

ISIS adopsi metode penyiksaan ala CIA

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014 14:27 WIB | 3.862 Views
Menurut sebuah laporan, jurnalis AS James Foley disiksa dulu, diantaranya lewat "waterboarding", sebelum dipenggal oleh ISIS (REUTERS/Social Media Website via REUTERS TV)
Washington (ANTARA News) - Paling sedikit empat sandera Barat yang ditahan ISIS di Suriah, termasuk wartawan Amerika James Foley yang sudah dieksekusi, ternyata mengalami siksaan waterbvoarding pada awal mereka ditahan, lapor Washington Post.

"Waterboarding" adalah teknik interogasi terhadap tahanan dengan cara mengikat tangan dan wajah, kemudian kepalanya ditutup, lalu dituangi air.

Foley dan warga Barat terculik ISIS lainnya sempat beberapa kali disiksa dengan cara waterboarding, tulis koran itu mengutip sejumlah sumber yang mengetahui penyiksaan tersebut.

Sumber-seumber yang terlibat dalam upaya pembebasan para sandera membenarkan bahwa waterboarding telah diterapkan setidaknya pada satu sandera.

yang kerap digunakan CIA selama menginterogasi para tersangka teroris setelah Serangan 11 September 2011, dikecam luas berbagai kalangan karena tak beda dengan teknik menenggelamkan kepala manusia ke dalam air.

The Post mengutipkan sumber yang benar-benar mengetahui langsung apa yang terjadi pada sandera-sandera ISI.

Para sandera, termasuk Foley yang diculik di Suriah utara pada November 2012, disandera di Raqa yang menjadi pusat kekuasaan ISIS.

Menurut sumber itu, Foley yang adalah wartawan GlobalPost, Agence France-Presse (AFP dan sejumlah media lainnya, telah disiksa, termasuk dengan waterboarding, demikian AFP.

Editor: Jafar M Sidik



Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

[Media_Nusantara] Misteri BBM (Bahan Bakar MInyak/Benar-Benar Mabok)


Misteri BBM (Bahan Bakar MInyak/Benar-Benar Mabok)

Subsidi untuk premium (bensin dengan oktan 88) kata pemerintah Rp. 5.500/liter. Saat ini premium dijual dengan harga Rp. 6.500/liter, artinya harga premium tanpa subsidi adalah Rp. 13.500/liter.

Sedangkan harga bensin tanpa subsidi yang dijual oleh swasta di Indonesia (harga ekonomis & sudah dapat untung), yakni pertamax (bensin dengan oktan 92) Rp. 9.500/liter, dan pertamax-plus (bensin dengan oktan 94) Rp. 10.500/liter.

Logikanya, premium karena oktannya lebih rendah (kualitas lebih rendah) tentunya harganya (jika tanpa subsidi) adalah dibawah petramax & petramax-plus. Tapi di Indonesia, kok harganya (jika tanpa subsidi) malah lebih mahal daripada bensin dengan oktan yang lebih tinggi (kualitas yang lebih bagus)?


1. Berarti siapakah yang menikmati subsidi Rp. 5.500/liter, dimana dengan konsumsi bensin yang sekian juta kilo liter per-tahun, jika dikalkulasi dengan uang negara/ APBN adalah menghabiskan uang rakyat/APBN sekitar Rp. 200 - 300 trilyun?

2. Apa ada hubungannya dengan mundurnya secara tiba2 ibu Kharen sebagai direktur utama pertamina, begitu Jokowi memenangkan pemilihan presiden 2014? Apalagi setelah mundur, ibu Kharen langsung pergi dan tinggal secara tetap (permanen) di Amerika Serikat.

3. Kenapa, Begitu ibu Kharen yang merupakan bagian dari tim sukses calon Presiden Prabowo ini tiba2 mundur & langsung pergi dan menetap di AS, maka mulai terjadilah kelangkaan BBM & masyarakat mulai gelisah dengan isu kenaikan BBM karena besarnya subsidi BBM per tahun yang ternyata akan mencapai Rp. 300 trilyun bahkan bisa lebih

Koalisi Awam
Rakyat Yang Sama Sekali Tak Tahu Misteri Sekitar BBM & Mafia Migas (Minyak & Gas)


Posted by: Hery Dono <>
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Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

[Media_Nusantara] Re: [nasional-list] Education Minister Nuh Implicated by Nazaruddin in Graft Case



1. PENDIDIKAN '' BUDAYA KORUPSI " ..(Bukan Pendidkan Nasional )......
2. PENDIDIKAN "AGAMA KORUPSI " (Bukan Agama )...........


....dan Semboyan Nasionalisme  yang mengatakan " Right or Wrong is My Country "  akhirnya hanya diartikan tidak lebih sebagai
" The RIGHT to do THE WRONG THINGS"............ 
Sedangkan Semboyan Type: " Do Not ask What your country can do for You , but Ask Yourself  What You can do for Your Country " , yang tidak jarang dipakai oleh Para Dedengkot Penguasa era ORBA dan membakar semangat dan Emosi Anak2 Muda....    ... akhirnya berubah menjadi Pengertian " ELU - ELU ,  GUE - GUE .... Urusan Gue > Lu yang Kerjain , tapi Urusan LU ...> Gue Masa Bodoh .....) 

* Dan Semboyan type  " Do Not ask What your country can do for You , but Ask Yourself  What You can do for Your Country " ..
 yang cukup Populistis itu  Filosofis sering Disalah INTERPRETASIKAN oleh Para Penguasa terutama  oleh Para Badut2 Politik yang sering asal membuka Mulut tapi menutup Mata dan terutama Kepalanya..... 

Selamt siang

On 27 August 2014 05:27, [nasional-list] <> wrote:

'Agama' dan 'Pendidikan',dua faktor yg seharusnya membina moral bangsa ternyata dipimpin oleh bandit2/begal yg tidak bermoral. Rupanya dari muda sudah dididik tidak benar dirumahnya.

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: "'Sunny' [nasional-list]" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 23:21:49 +0200
Subject: [nasional-list] Education Minister Nuh Implicated by Nazaruddin in Graft Case

res : Menteri pendidikan terkait korupsi. Menteri Agama terkait korupsi etc. Jadi siapa diantara penguasa rezim neo-Mojopahit luput dari korupsi? hehehehehe

Education Minister Nuh Implicated by Nazaruddin in Graft Case

'Clearing Up': Nazaruddin testifies education minister was involved in discussions on several projects

By Novianti Setuningsih on 11:10 pm Aug 25, 2014
Graft convict and former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin testifying in Jakarta on Aug. 25, 2014. (Antara Photo/Wahyu Putro)

Graft convict and former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin testifying in Jakarta on Aug. 25, 2014. (Antara Photo/Wahyu Putro)

Jakarta. Testimony implicating Muhammad Nuh, minister for education and culture, in graft-ridden projects involving his ministry and several lawmakers, emerged on Monday during the trial of former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum.

Graft convict and former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin said Nuh attended meetings where several ministry projects were being discussed.

Also present at these meetings were Anas and former Democratic Party deputy secretary general Angelina Sondakh, who was also convicted in a graft case.

"There were me, Anas, Angelina Sondakh and Pak Nuh [in the meetings], held in Pak Nuh's home," Nazaruddin told Monday's hearing. "Those meetings were intended to clear things up concerning projects at the education ministry."

He further claimed that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had proof of these meetings. Nazaruddin didn't provide details on the level of Nuh's involvement of any impropriety.

In a previous hearing, former lawmaker Angelina said the Democratic Party faction at the House of Representatives had been promised Rp 400 billion ($34 million) in "commission" for projects authorized by House Commission X, which oversees education, tourism and sports affairs. Anas is a former head of the commission.

Another witness, former graft convict Mindo Rosalina Manulang, earlier said the money was specifically expected to come from procurement projects in 20 to 30 state universities — which must be approved by the education ministry and lawmakers.

Nazaruddin on Monday added that he had dispatched a total of $1 million to Anas from companies at the center of the graft case, including Permai Group, which is owned by Nazaruddin and allegedly also by Anas. Nazaruddin dismissed a previous accusation that the money was transferred instead to House Speaker Marzuki Alie, a patron of the Democratic Party.

"[The money] was given after the congress [of the Democratic Party in 2010, which saw Anas elected as party chairman]; it was for Anas," Nazaruddin said.

"That also includes money handed over in October 2010, and the approximately Rp 50 billion in rupiah and dollar notes delivered to Anas's home."

He added that Anas needed the money to support his presidential ambitions. That was well understood by Democratic Party politicians such as Saan Mustopa, Sudewo, Pasha Ismaya and Umar Arsal — according to Nazaruddin.

"Actually Saan, Dewo, Pasha and Umar Arsal all knew [about Anas's presidential ambitions], but they wouldn't talk about it during trial," he said. "If only I had recorded [Anas's statement about him wanting to be president], everyone would know whose statement is true."

Rosa, as Mindo is better known, said while she was a marketing manager of Anak Negeri, a company owned by Nazaruddin and allegedly also by Anas, Nazaruddin told her to make money available to support Anas's bid for the party chairmanship and for a presidential bid later.

"We wanted Pak Anas to be chairman [of the Democratic Party]. After he became the chairman, we wanted to make Pak Anas the president [of Indonesia]," Rosa said during a hearing last Thursday. "Those were Pak Nazaruddin's orders. He wanted us to make money for the congress."

Rosa added, though, that Nazaruddin had specifically instructed that Anas's name should never be mentioned when Anak Negeri lobbied for projects.

Nazaruddin said on Monday that Anas had asked him to eliminate evidence that might connect him with graft allegations — including some financial documents of the central board of the Democratic Party, the party faction at the House and companies both of them ran.

He said Anas instructed him to do so soon after Rosa was arrested in 2011 over the athletes' village construction graft case, which implicated the sports ministry.

"After the Democrats' congress, yes [he ordered us to burn those documents]. Anas told me to remove all the data," Nazaruddin said.

Nazaruddin added that Anas also told him to leave the country for a while until the situation was conducive for him to return.

Prosecutors accused Anas of receiving bribes — including a Toyota Harrier worth Rp 650 million and a Toyota Vellfire worth Rp 750 million — in connection with the Hambalang sports center project, which was commissioned by the sports ministry and the previously mentioned procurement projects for state universities.

"[Anas accepted] those gifts, or commitments, although they were allegedly given so that the defendant, as a lawmaker, could smooth the Hambalang project and other projects at the sports ministry, projects … at the education ministry and other projects funded by the state budgets and won by Permai Group," prosecutor Yudi Kristiana said in a May hearing.


Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

[Media_Nusantara] Re: [GELORA45] BIG BUSINESS: Saudi set to earn $8.5 bn from hajj



MAAF ADA KESALAHAN TECHNIS Kaliamat yang sebanar  Bearntakan tak keruan , karean ada yah terhapus dan ada yang tertinggal (yg seharusnya tidak ada 0.

Allaaaah huukbar.... in the name of Alllah  ...The Saudis earn as much as we lose ......(Brilliant Idea for being Stupid People ...)

Terima kasih perhatian

On 26 August 2014 18:04, Marco Polo <> wrote:

Saudi set to earn (Effectively ) $8.5 bn PER YEAR  from hajj ....and INDONESIA has lost in vain for about half of those  $8.5 bn [per year CAUSED BY HAJJ PILGRIMS .....

Allaaaah huukbar.... in the name of Alllah  ...the Saudis earn as  so much and we lose ......(Brilliant Idea for being Stupid People ...)

On 26 August 2014 17:22, Hsin Hui Lin [GELORA45] <> wrote:

Saudi set to earn $8.5 bn from hajj

20 hours ago
An aerial view shows the Clock Tower and the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, on October 16, 2013

View photo

An aerial view shows the Clock Tower and the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, on October 16, 2013 (AFP Photo/Fayez Nureldine)

Mecca (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - Saudi Arabia could earn $8.5 billion from this October's hajj, according to a study published on Monday, which predicted that two million Muslims would make the pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Mecca Chamber of Commerce said revenues from the world's largest annual gathering of Muslims would increase by three percent from last year.

The study was based on estimates that 1.98 million pilgrims will travel to the holy Muslim city of Mecca, including 1.38 million, or 70 percent, from abroad.

According to the report, a pilgrim who has travelled from another country will spend an average of 17,381 riyals ($4,633) during Hajj, which runs for five days.

A domestic worshipper pays around 4,948 riyals ($1,319), the study found.

Expenses include housing, food and drink, gifts and phone bills.

Millions of people visit Islamic holy sites in Saudi Arabia for the hajj, a pilgrimage all Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lives if health and finances permit.

Saudi Arabia also hosts millions of Muslims annually for the lesser umrah pilgrimage, which may be undertaken at any time throughout the year.

Around six million Muslims took umrah during the holy fasting month of Ramadan in July this year, according to authorities.

As well as Mecca, Saudi Arabia is also home to Islam's other holiest place -- Medina.


Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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[Media_Nusantara] Re: [GELORA45] BIG BUSINESS: Saudi set to earn $8.5 bn from hajj



Saudi set to earn (Effectively ) $8.5 bn PER YEAR  from hajj ....and INDONESIA has lost in vain for about half of those  $8.5 bn [per year CAUSED BY HAJJ PILGRIMS .....

Allaaaah huukbar.... in the name of Alllah  ...the Saudis earn as  so much and we lose ......(Brilliant Idea for being Stupid People ...)

On 26 August 2014 17:22, Hsin Hui Lin [GELORA45] <> wrote:

Saudi set to earn $8.5 bn from hajj

20 hours ago
An aerial view shows the Clock Tower and the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, on October 16, 2013

View photo

An aerial view shows the Clock Tower and the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, on October 16, 2013 (AFP Photo/Fayez Nureldine)

Mecca (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - Saudi Arabia could earn $8.5 billion from this October's hajj, according to a study published on Monday, which predicted that two million Muslims would make the pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Mecca Chamber of Commerce said revenues from the world's largest annual gathering of Muslims would increase by three percent from last year.

The study was based on estimates that 1.98 million pilgrims will travel to the holy Muslim city of Mecca, including 1.38 million, or 70 percent, from abroad.

According to the report, a pilgrim who has travelled from another country will spend an average of 17,381 riyals ($4,633) during Hajj, which runs for five days.

A domestic worshipper pays around 4,948 riyals ($1,319), the study found.

Expenses include housing, food and drink, gifts and phone bills.

Millions of people visit Islamic holy sites in Saudi Arabia for the hajj, a pilgrimage all Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lives if health and finances permit.

Saudi Arabia also hosts millions of Muslims annually for the lesser umrah pilgrimage, which may be undertaken at any time throughout the year.

Around six million Muslims took umrah during the holy fasting month of Ramadan in July this year, according to authorities.

As well as Mecca, Saudi Arabia is also home to Islam's other holiest place -- Medina.


Posted by: Marco Polo <>
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